Monday, October 05, 2009
Hilton Hilton Hilton ! Sorry people, I know I am over enthusastic about my prom night but I just cant help it. It was originally decided at York hotel but just as surprisingly, it may be changed to The Hiltons !! Yeah, I heard that its the hotel opened by Paris Hilton. So, sorry York! :)
I think I have sort of caught a flu bug after the invasion of sore throat. Hopefully it isnt going to affect me much as I will still be continuing to study in a air-conditioned environment. And for the first time yesterday, we got scolded by the manager for occupying their seats without buying food [I know its kinda of we-deserve-it, haha] Hence, we bought something to "display" on our papers packed table :P
Today wasnt a good day to study history after school I guess, cause every question seemed alien to me and I had to keep messaging Mr.B [actually, its only 3messages..] Thanks Mr.B!!!
We went to the hotspot for teenagers to take photos, to which I still couldnt comprehend why, but we just went there anyways.

I suppose you all have already guessed this is the almighty shopping mall toilet! And guess what? Its bed-time now. So, goodnite people! "With enough sleep, comes a happy soul" - Corliiflower
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:00 PM
Friday, October 02, 2009
I am feeling pretty excited about something recently. Definitely not because of Olevels but something else. Something Special. And guess what.
I am not sharing the secret with you.
Finally I did something today that satisfied my rebellious desire and I am feeling fascinated about it. Yes! I skipped school today. I know it sounded wrong enough for me to be sent for detention, but I seriously need a break. From the tedious days of studying in school, I am tired.
But I still went back to school anyways. Back to school for chemisty supplementary.
Study trip-ed with kweecheng again. Not trying to grouse about kweecheng, but trying to stress that we are out to study again. She told me she cant prounouce P-R-O-M well and it always ended up sounding like P-R-A-W-N. So I invented some tongue twisters for her to practise on. If you guys cant prounouce P-R-O-M well, you can try practising this too.
It goes: " A prawn in a pond going to a prom on the 24th of november "
I know its cool. Thanks for your compliments :)
The beauty of blog shopping lies in the comfort of not having to go out and tire our legs out by the hours and hours of walking. I have just come to realise that again recently. Therefore I have been blogshopping quite alot recently, other than the scary timetable for studies. And yes, I have been promoted to becoming a grandmother.

They are my grandchildren lying blissfully inside their cage. I find myself blissful looking at them too. Tution AGAIN tomorrow. I really hate to have it EARLY in the MORNING. But I just cant bring myself to tell my teacher the T.R.U.T.H
Maybe someday I should. Or maybe not.
But before that, sleep is needed. Goodnite.
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 10:34 PM
Thursday, September 24, 2009
This is yet another random day that I actually wanted to blog. Changed the photo of the blog again and hope it suited the blog. Realised that Olevels is really like the hotcake topic for every secondary 4 students to talk about. Even if they are not close, or friends that havent been catching up for quite sometime, they can relate to each other like they had known each other for years, just because of Os.
I think there are other much better topics to talk about when friends meet up with each other, other than harping on the misery of preparing for Os. But I guess thats just plain hard because I do that too most of the time. Maybe its human psychology to share their misery before they can actually feel better in their souls.
Theres this big wooha going on in Singapore for quite sometime. And thats the YOG !! *3 cheers to that* Mr Foo just told us on wednesday during assembly that 2 countries will be bonded to our school during the YOG period and I am really fascinated by that! [Though I will be graduated by then] They are Dominica and I-forgot-the-country-name!!
I really want to be part of it in the YOG, hopefully the chance to become the sports presenter or something. Shoutout to people, if your have any opportunities, do let me know alright ? :)
Shall be counting down from start to the end of Os and start anticipating for YOG!
F1 race is commencing soon in Singapore. Hope everyone will enjoy the cool races by the participants all around the globe. Lastly, I shall bid goodnight to everyone who happened to read this post :)
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:26 PM
Monday, September 14, 2009
My screwed internet has finally been sort of fixed up already. I paid a "heavy" price for it- Internet got chopped for 3hours plus. But I think thats something good to be happy about. All credits to my brother!! yay!! :)
School reopened today. Big surprise just on the first day on the school. A caucasian teacher joined our teaching staff! How cool is that? Omg. I think hes the first caucasian teacher that has ever joined our school. I am honoured. Proud to announce that hes from the WEST CANADA! I think he is going to create a big woo-ha in our school soon with his popularity chasing up to the most popular male teacher- Mr.B!
Embarked on another lame but fun study trip today with kweecheng again to the BK's again. We did some really lame things as usual like using the ear piece as a stethoscope. I guess thats just typical of us when we get together. But I really pitied the guy who sat beside us who had to endure all the nonsense that we were making while staying cool himself.
Went to shop and save[seemed to have become my second hotspot] again to walk around after studying "hard". Sent kweecheng home after that and walked home myself. I guess I really should thank the person who invented handphone as I think I would have died of boredom on my way home without it.
Photos of memory that me and kweecheng went haywired:
Ear piece as a stethoscope ?!
Save my liquid paper !!
kweecheng decided to save it by using the electrocuting thingy....
Greatest invention of the century- Lemon tea phone:)
And... I decided to act random...
But, I discovered, ear pieces actually knew how to....

Split legs!!
End of photo stupid story sharing session. Hope your had fun seeing the photos! :)
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:15 PM
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Its a day where all the 9s meet together to form 09.09.09 at 9:09pm!
This is a year where all the amazing things happen such as the full solar eclipse. I feel so lucky to have witness all these happenings that even my grandchildren might not even get to witness.
But as special as this day was, it was just another ordinary day for me, a student studying for Olevels. I seemed to have lost the sense of "touch" with the books after my prelims. Let me just hope and pray that the "touch" gets back to me as soon as possible.
I am just having some random thoughts at the moment, that I thought I could share. Life goes on everyday, and we have to trudge on. Events that happened may give us more energy move on or they may become the setbacks in our life. No matter what happens, just remember that things happen FOR A REASON.
Maybe its just high time for me to proceed on to the next stage of my life instead of getting stucked at the same place. I shall learn from the past and go on with life.
I extend my most sincere apologies to the people whom I may have hurt unknowningly[or not].
Anyways, I guess I am rather hooked on listening to english songs for some reasons that I myself cant decipher even. Taylor Swift is a good singer to start with listening to english songs, I think. I grew up in a not-really-traditional chinese-speaking family resulting in the songs that I listen to is 90% chinese. But I think switching to english songs sometimes is quite a good change.
The english songs in my folder has been increasing at a "alarming" rate which shocked myself a little but I like it. I shall continue to source for more so if anyone have any nice songs to recommend please tag me at my tagboard :)
Lastly, this is a special day so do make wishes for yourself and I am sure it will come true in days to come! Goodluck everyone^^
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 9:09 PM