Saturday, August 16, 2008
yesterday is such a SUPER DUPER TIRING day...
slept at 2am yesterday and woke up at 6am >.<
why ????!
cause i was doing the e-book !!
it was supposed to be a grp work, but i did it myself...
Reason ?? long story...
somemore, chiong out alrdy give teacher, teacher's old old computer cant open x.X
went to SL meeting after school, ended up seeing brian, sijin and fatimah playing around in the ITrm1 -_-"
reached home at 6plus, ate dinner, play computer then go ZZZzzz
until 9+ i wake up again.... made a phone until 1am plus +.+
went to pray my ancestors today, until 8pm then reach home... SO TIRED !! still have qsn & guitar lesson tml >.< cant even rest on weekends !! so sad T_T
no more energy to continue...byeLabels: REST..... i want to have a good rest
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 10:40 PM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Finally got my class photo today !! yay !! The most important thing is that i just discovered how to use a scanner!! i know its quite lame, but i really really didnt know how to use a scanner before this.. let me show the photos that i scanned today~~
Formal shot.. i first row -_-"

Fun shot 1... the camera scared me as it was so near me !!

Fun shot 2... Can spot me ?

As i was looking at the 3e4 class photo, i was reminded of my good friends, then i went to look at the neoprints we had last time together... seriously, time has past so fast, i really hope that time can slow down, even if its just by abit, it will be enough for me to remember the past and try to without it in the future...Good friends comes and goes, i really dont know how can i live without them.....

Really hope that happy times will not forget me and walk past me...
corliiflowerr ended with depression today >.<
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 10:54 PM
Monday, August 11, 2008
Did some personality test today, and i totally agreeded with the results !!
Your Inner Blood Type is AB!

Your personality is hard to define - you're very unconventional. And even if your personality could be defined, it would be completely different next week! Outgoing and shy, sensitive and thoughtless, you tend to have a very split personality. This makes you unpredictable. You can be a total angel - and a total devil. You are most compatible with: everyone! Famous Type AB's: Jackie Chan and Marilyn Monroe
These two personality fits me too !! i cant define which one is me...
What Your Flip Flops Say About You

You are hopeful and romantic. You love many people and many things. You aren't unrealistic, but you do imagine things in the most ideal way possible. You are a dreamer. If something exists, you've probably thought about it. You don't think about what is, you think about what could be. Your ideal warm weather place: Fiji

You are a very sweet and sensitive person. You connect with other people easily. You're the type of person who feels bad about killing bugs. You hate to see anyone - or anything - in pain. Your ideal warm weather place: Thailand
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 5:21 PM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Half happy Half saded me today... went for the qsn tution today, was alittle late cause it was too early for me la >.<
rushed backed home to prepare for the guitar lesson. Just reached home only, 12pm sharp. Received sms from singjie, telling me that she reached alrdy, asking me to faster go accompany her as the teacher is out for lunch. I was like har?! our lesson starts at 1pm she 12pm reached liao ??! asked her why, she said she nvr practise. -_-" told her that i meeting ZY at 12.45pm so cannt rush there. so she waited there alone, i guess. reached with zy at around 12.55, saw singjie and yi chin alrdy there. That singjie remind me of last wk and we were laughing like mad. Mr ho keep asking me why, but i nvr say. I think he sort of understand in the end. After that zy told him something, made me very paiseh >.<
ZY:" 老师,某人把她的blog song换成对面的女孩..."
[I started laughing, then i told teacher..]
Then he was like so lame-ed haha x.X
he made me & SJ so stress by saying want to play with us... at first i play myself ok de, when he play i all play wrongly liao o.0
only when i play the melody then still ok, can pair quite well x.X
towards the end then i discovered that i used the wrong fingers to play the guitar>.<
then teacher also nvr tell me... i guess he also nvr discover??
heh.. have to re-learn the whole thing again.... T_T
started lazing when reached home as mon was a non-school day.
Didnt really want to do homework but no choice *_*
have to go do homework le !! byebye Labels: relearning in progress
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 5:44 PM