Friday, October 17, 2008
Bad day... Malu-ed myself on stage today.
That idiot mic... nonono is that MIC suddenly no batt, so when i go out that time no sound, so i ran back to get a working one. couldnt help laughing when i came out again as all the audience were laughing. >.<"
then second skit, same thing happened.. what the !@#*#(@$
i could only say:"sway la, the mic dont like me"
go out that time still fine, but halfway suddenly no sound, so had to share mic with liyar. But cause we are quarrelling so very hard to keep exchanging mic, so i decided to shout instead. lucky ppl can hear me.. haha [i loud hailer ar o.0]
then when gabriel came out to mediate, finish liao, i expect him to give me the mic so that i could use it. Instead he just no care me and went off leaving me shouting for mic! mic! mic!! -.-"
The last part i had apologise to liyar, cause no mic, so had to shout. Then i feel that like lesbian apologising like that so i keep wanting to laugh.. bo bian x.X
Lower sec that time is better, luckily they got NEW batteries for the mic ^.^
actually, i abit sad la, cause like the thing is screwed up solely because of me..
then almost everybody was like:" why you keep laughing?! so funny meh ?!!"
I feel very guilty la... >.-"
johntoh and jiang shan comforted me by saying that each time i come out then very funny, everybody laugh until like siao.. say i got good acting skills.. lols
come to think of it, if sacrificing my image can make the audience laugh, i think its worth it la, better than you make a clown out of yourself and nobody even cared about it. ms jamie toh even said i very drama-mama... haha
seriously thank them la, if not i really feel bad....
went to apsn for CIP. partnered with johntoh and xinyi together with the client called amous and jianning or jianting i forgot x.X
heard from john that last time amous was more bubbly & talkative but dont know why today so reserved today. Had abit of problem finding topics to talk to him. John was chattering non-stop to the jianning/ting, talking about everything.
Accompanied john to WM to buy his sister bday present cause he forgot to buy. so bad !!
bought a tweetie bird and hope minmin like it !! HAPPYBIRTHDAY !!
cooked myself a mushroom egg pie for dinner. There are 5 steps to eating a mushroom egg pie. Dont drool at my egg pie ar o.o
First, take the pie and put it a plate :)

Second, eat the first part of the pie.

Third, eat the second part of the pie [shown] :D

Fourth, eat the third part of the part, thinking of how nice it was :P

Last, eat the last piece and savour the taste slowly..haha And.. you will see a clean plate !!!

Haiz, still feeling very sad now la.... in fact going to cry already[kidding]
i go sleep le.. goodnite people :)
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 9:22 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Had Final rehearsal today, thanks to john, gabriel, kweecheng, liyar, nichloas, i had alot of fun !!
Couldnt help laughing like mad today as everything happened is just so funny !!
Is it because exam is over and everyone is relaxed or are there other hidden reasons ? Everyone seems to be acting abnormal today, including myself.. haha
John started to talk with baby a.k.a act cute sound, nichloas acted cute also and DANCED, me, kweecheng and liyar was laughing at the slightest thing. esp me. lols
We'all 的笑点很低 >.<"
Liyar forgot to on mic while speaking we also laugh, gabriel tripped on the wire we also laugh until like siao.... ^.^
Went to NUH to visit Pulun straight after rehearsal. Pity him, 6yrs old only must operate cause got tumor of 11cm inside his body..
Journey to and fro the NUH was damn tiring!! Go there, wanted to sleep on bus also cant sleep properly. Come back even worse, cant sleep. Then my eyes were there half closed -.-"
Reached home at 9.40pm, almost fainted in fatigue.. straight away jump on bed when i reach home. But, here i am blogging using my soul whereas my body on the bed.
This is called >>" 一体二用"
sorry people, i know thats too lame, but i cant help it.. i dont know why i am feeling so "high" today... hahahaha
Ok, enough of those craps now. i will have to go sleep to have energy for tml's performances. wish me good luck and good nite !! byebyeLabels: good luck tomorrow
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 10:30 PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Today has an equal mix of good news and bad news...
1.Failed DnT paper but passed the overall with B4.
2.Got the highest overall for the compre and summary component in english and beat marcus for the first time in history though he also made history by scoring full marks for summary content.
3.Chinese lost to PT by 0.5 marks but beat yong sheng instead. Although round up the marks is still same as PT, but a lose is still a lose. Rounding up to be the same is only a excuse to make myself feel better.
4.SS got 26 + hist of 24 = combine humanities of 50 points !! Lucky pass ?? :P
5.Pass physics component for combine science whether overall pass or not will depend on the chemistry tml.
6.ZY told me that ***o was like abit angry with the video incident. I wont elab on the details.. Finally he sms-ed to say that hes really not angry.. I suppose i will honour my promise of buying him sweets !! lols
For the last time, i apologise again. SORRY !! :)
7.Performance this friday during upper&lower sec assembly. Having skit and talk. I am one of the actors and actresses YAY !! Had seriously wanted to try out my acting skills liao ar, but no chance. Now, i will grab this chance firmly.. HAHAHAHA
People, after watching my performance in the skit, rmb to give me comments ok ??
maybe next time i become drama queen..lols [ouch!! i feel someone hitting my head >.<]
Ok, enough on those crappy events.
Had a rehearsal for the assembly programme today, everything went very smoothly.
Everyone was able to get into their roles quickly and act it out with expressions.
At first, got one script line was really really hard for me to say out [dont ask me why, cause i also dont know] i kept saying halfway and started laughing loudly. Then they all keep helping me finish my sentence. haha thanks ar !! i think john was the cause of my laughter la, he sit infront of me, thats why. haha
We modify the scripts until got alot of Sing-lish like : la, leh, li, lo... :D
Had a dry run, nichloas kept acting cute la. >.<
When i was reciting the funny part [i thought], finally i managed to contain my laughter !! cause john wasnt in front of me, i guess.. haha
Going to have another rehearsal tml and friday will be the actual thing. Actually, i think we very efficient leh. WHY ?? ok. let me show you
Tue night from 8-11pm >> write script
Wed afternoon from 3-5.30 >> rehearsal
Thurs afternoon from 2.45-6/6.30 >> last rehearsal
Fri morning/afternoon >> actual performance
Arent we efficient ??? In the midist of doing these also, we have to memorise the scripts, pei yang mo qi, find suitable facial expressions and so on...
I think next time mediacorp and find us go act in dramas.. HAHA
I have to go replenish my beauty sleep le, byebye !! Labels: i want to act with jiang chen xi haha
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 10:56 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Short post...
OMG people!! i have done 3 things which make my day man!!
First: I finally ordered a bag that i really really wanted alot from the online shop.
Second: I found Jiang Cheng Xi's blog ^.^ Has been his fan for quite some time already and finally got to know his blog.. I know alot of people already know his blog, but, i have to admit my infomation abit lack. Thats why.
Third: I got in touch with a good friend that i used to have in NP camp !!
I felt so lucky today !! haha
Ohya, before i end my post, just one little good news to share... which is
EOY IS OVER !!!!!!!!!!!
And lastly, Happy Birthday joevin !!
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:11 PM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
THANKS FATE...Thank you fate, for letting me know them since the age of 8.
Thank you fate, for letting them stay by my side.
Thank you fate, for letting them becoming my best buddies.
Thank you fate, for letting me meet him once more and becoming my best buddy.
Thank you fate, for giving me so many good friends that i can never forget.
Thank you fate, for i know you have been by my side, watching over me.
Thank you fate, once more, for everything you have done for me....
Famous Quote Of The Day:
By: corliiflowerr
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 6:49 PM
Bad DaySomething is wrong today. No, everything is wrong today.
Got hang up on the phone for no reason, or perhaps i am too stupid to know why.
But i cant resist thinking:"Whats the problem with her la ?!"
Then, mum said she lost her purse or i should call it, wallet.
She lost her wallet, i was talking to myself saying that i want a new pair of shoes, she scolded me. Carrying on was a scolding from father cause mother lost her wallet. wth ?!
she lost her wallet scold me for what ?! i wasnt with her at all when she went shopping and lost her wallet right ?? i was sleeping soundly at home and you were at home too.
I lost all my mood, totally.
Looking forward to guitar lesson tml, expecting something to happen :)
i guess that will be the only thing to cheer me up.
Anyone wants to tell me jokes to cheer me up ?? lols. sorry, too random :P
But seriously, i need jokes to cheer me up la...
Famous Quote Of The Day:"Chocolates + Jokes = Happy Mood :)"
By corliiflowerr ^.^*Labels: cheer me up
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 12:50 AM