Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 9:25 PM
Really dont feel like blogging, but feel so weird without blogging as i am so used to it now.. heehee so i will just randomly blog something...
School released at 12pm today cause of the MOE thing, so, students get the benefit...^.^*
went to the westmall to shop with shilin, shikai and peiling. went home after that and slept till 3pm ~.~
going to the church with jiang shan and eugin tml. going to meet loner after that. seriously, i really dont feel like going cause not because i dislike the church, but theres no one accompanying me. But, too bad la.. cant back out liao T_T
hope everything goes well tml and the most important thing is jiang shan haven tell me when and where to meet tml.
maybe tml i fake innocence and say i dont know the time and location so nvr go ??
haha!! brillant idea !! i will do that tml !!!! YAY
maybe nxt week then find people to go with me la... :D
ok, i got to sleep le. goodnite !!
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 12:18 AM
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
finally, i found one day that i can sleep before 12 strucks!!!! 3 cheers!! woohoo ^.^
has been sleeping at around 1plus for almost a week and i am now diagnosed with lack-of-sleep syndrome -_-"
seriously in need of sleep now as i hate dozing off in class. That shows inattentiveness. English spelling is tml and i only roughly remembered the words. what to do ?? haiz...
i just discovered that i have the hillgrove obs photo in my hp so i upload it now. Hope its not too late!!
can find me ?? i bet your dont.. heehee
reached home at 8pm today due to the choir cum speech day practise. Spent 11hrs at sch today. So sick and tired of the school 0.o
hope to rest for a day. just a day. T_T
ok, i really need to go and sleep le.
GOOD NIGHT !! ^-^*
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:30 PM
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
currently is 11.50pm, still stuck on my maths homework.
Feeling so tired and angry today.
got scolded by mdm teh because of the worksheets. told her cant sort, she scolded even more. she said:"Cant you just give it together ?"
SO ANGRY !! X.X trying to sort for her still get scolded by her ?!
haiz, in the end, jian ping helped me sorted it out, and he done it in less than 10mins.
my father asked me:"why your friend can sort out so fast and you cant even sort ?"
i have no answer. maybe he has a better talent in sorting things. hehe
So malu today, say the MC speech say until cant even pronounce my own class properly. And we only went it through 2 times.. >.<
went home at 6.45pm. wait for the bus wait until i doze off then come. Saded.
reached home, eat dinner, sleep. sounds like pig ?? i think so. But no choice la, too tired le.
i have to rush homework liao, BYEBYE !!!
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:47 PM
hi, i know its late now, and should be sleeping by now. For some unknown reasons, i just cant get to slp, so came and post a brief one. Have been feeling so dejected recently cause of the maths thing... my head now is damn pain la...>.<
i feel so much like quiting being a math rep !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
almost everyday also must kana mdm teh scolding because of the worksheets and i even accidentally lost halim's paper. i think he must be very very very angry with me bah. Maybe he gave me the paper when i was having headache ?? maybe.
thanks john for your encouragement, i feel so much better. THANKS !!
my mum just gave me a banana which is only as long as my thumb, so cute !! finish in one mouth =P
thumb=tam ?? haha no link. x.X
ok, i need to go sleep le. BYEBYE !!!
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 12:19 AM
Sunday, June 29, 2008
i am sorry that i didnt update on friday about the sports day cause i am really too tired >.<
woke up early in the morning at 5.15am and started preparing to go the sports day. i wouldnt go if they didnt require a MC for absentees, serious. Went to MAC for breakfast and there were so many hillgrovians there queueing.-_-"
reached at about 7.40am and we are still considered late. i was separated with shilin they all as i was wearing a different house shirt out of no choice. i sat with zhixiong, xinyi and chester. Chester left to find his friends after awhile and left the 3 of us. We started wandering around after the sports day started. i kept crossing over to find shilin they all, but finally, i am tired and so i decided to stay with zhixiong they all. haha ^-^
i am surprised that shilin they all came over and chat with me though they went back soon. Sat there about 5 hours watching people run, run, run. saw john running also and would want to tell him: Dont be sad ok ? try again next year !!
me and zx agreed that john and jowena were very compatible. HAHAHAHAHAHA
everytime when i was about to fall asleep the idiot zx would disturb me X.x
but thanks to him i got alot of fun and laughter also. Finally sports day ended. mr teo made our house stay back and clean as there were litters around. SO BAD !! In the end we were last to go.
when i walk out and saw shilin they all, hs came up to me telling me that so many people are waiting for me, one person. She made me look so 大牌la and as if i purposely make so many people wait for me. When she wanted to talk to me, i only told her:" dont talk to me, i am still angry." Then she turned and walked away as if it was my fault.
after that, all of them walk so fast and leaving me and jiang shan behind not even wanting to wait for us. when we reach the mrt station, we cant even see where they are and jian shan wanted to go 7-11 so we went. minutes later shilin they all called and said that they are waiting for us so i just hanged up after saying bye.
we walked back to the station and john was like on his way to search for us. he ask us why we are so slow but i just replied him saying:" 你还知道我们的存在阿?"
Do i sound very bad?i think so. i think john is also abit irritated as he say so many years of friends le still angry with each other so easily.
after that, shilin they all went to watch movie and left me and jiang shan go home. she acted like 疯子on the mrt that i didnt want to acknowledge her as my friend. haha
slept like pig when i reached home and woke up in the night to eat dinner =)
but now, i need to replenish my 睡眠le...
goodnight !!
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 12:09 AM