Saturday, June 13, 2009
Its Saturday !!
Best day of the week. Everyone loves it. hahaha
I have been chucking my camera aside almost as soon as I bought it because I felt that the picture quality taken from the camera was really quite sucky.
And I was so so attracted to zyee's camera. oh gosh. Jealousy. haha
Out of no reason, I decided to take out that camera for shots again. The photos this time round was quite good as compared to the time when I first bought it. So I figured out that the reason was that maybe I was still not very good at handling that camera yet.
It so happened that I was watching a talk show today that so happen to teach people how to camwhore with their camera.
Haha, after watching that show, definitely I would be tempted to try with my camera with the new skills that I learnt.
And it turned out to be quite nice photos. ^-^
But I know the model[me] inside the photos is not very photo-genic la, so please pardon her :)

Gonna give some people a surprise celebration which is not so of a surprise anymore. Someone knows why. hee.
But still, I look forward to it. Seeing the reaction of everyone's faces :P
Time for me to go to bed. I shall not stay anymore. Goodnite :)
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:09 PM
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Consecutive post from yesterday. Something to commend about ?
Went for my DnT session today. Proud to announce that my thumb was returned to me with a injury.
I bruised my thumb thumb when I tried to cut a iron rod. Omg. That sounds stupid
Whatever -.-"
Here is a photo proudly presented to you

See the small little red dot on my thumb thumb ? haha. yes. Just like Singapore.
I am not joking ok ? I am PROUD of my country !!! 3 cheers !!!
Since I already started with picture postings. I shall continue with a few pictures that people sent me for the kampong glam trip :)

Pictures taken with my most beloved peers :)
Dont be too touched when you see this, friends!! hahaha
Still will be going back to the room with lots lots of machine and boredom tomorrow.
Mere thought of it bores me out. gosh.
I am addicted to cornflakes recently. I like nibbling on cornflakes. They make me ecstatic.
LONG LIVE CORNFLAKES!!! wakakaka ^-^
I am gonna enter my dreams bringing lots of cornflakes now. Goodnite !! :)
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 8:37 PM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hello people !!
Finally I have decided to blog again after a few days of rest :D
I sounded like as if I have stopped blogging for a long long time. LOLs
Just cant resist the urge of posting the pictures of KIM BUM & JIHOO!! Hence, I blogged.
Havent really rested ever since holidays started till now. Slogging days and counting on...
I rant to people how pathetic I am whenever they ask me the 3 magical words "How's your holiday?"
Cause I find it simply too pathetic having to return to school everyday despite only having 30 days of holiday.
Cant I just have a week off? Oh man. gosh.
Whatever. At least I get myself treats from the school.
I make nice things for myself from the school's DnT room. *hush hush ok?* haha
Halfway through making of my artefact, and it seems like I am getting to nowhere.
Sense of helplessness emerges...
I just hate recording things inside my sketch book. Cause its really a hassle >.<
Looking forward to outings with friends!!
So far ? 1.
Just to look for the stupid-baggy-brown-khaki for choir.
I hate it. Because its so hard to find that I havent found myself one.
Linking to that would be I really need to get a nice khaki because I am standing right in front of the GOH shouting my lungs out without the mics.
Just so that they could hear some "live" singing requested by our conductor because its a musical -.-"
So, if I dont sound nice, at least I would look presentable. Oh gosh....
Just got my hand&leg treated. And it seems that I would have to go back one more session because my leg's ingury has really been dragged way too long that it needs more sessions to be healed.
At least my hand is healed. Great.
Have been reading inspiring posts from mattie's blog. I really like reading his posts. Ever-inspiring & always able to voice out my inner thoughts.
So, I wanna learn from him. Dare to dream.
I wanna become a EMCEE. I WILL WORK HARD TO REALISE MY DREAM!Anyone who sees this and is willing to give me a chance, you are always welcomed to leave me a message !!! :D
I can host any events like school's graduations or any events that simply needs a emcee. I have experiences hosting in my own school events such as prize giving day and various concerts.
Omg. I sound like I am advertising myself. Indeed I am. Waiting for people to see this too. haha
I better stop here. Bye :)
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 7:40 PM