Thursday, August 21, 2008

Chang sheng, dont worry la i wont draw on your face de.. haha
Dont look so serious ok ?? :P
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 12:19 AM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Went to charmaine hse with liyar,kweecheng and peiyi to bake cookies for the SLs tasting today. Headed to Jurong at 3pm, bought the materials and went to charmaine hse. Started baking at around 5+ and then finished at 9:30pm. All the cookies we baked were like all chao-da liao..-_-" Even the cup cakes that charmaine baked also chao-da, out of no reason... KC went home at 7+ cause her grandma asked her to, leaving me and peiyi there to bake. i guess its not a good day to bake anything today thats why we burnt everything that we tried to bake...
i am sry if my this post the timeline like jump here jump there and had no link, cause i am really really tired but just so feel like posting so much that i just came to post.
some pics of today:

i am tired, i want to sleep le !! gdnite
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 12:01 AM
Monday, August 18, 2008
Had a tiring day today as we had SL meetings until 5pm... Miss toh and Mr pang both MC-ed today so we had 2 free periods today !!
Found out that i forgotten everything about my test, my homework so on.. luckily i completed them in time and the test was again changed to this friday.
Passed WL her MP3 today, seemed that shes quite happy to receive it, haha. First deal ^.^ Thanks to her for supporting me !!
Hope more ppl will buy from me [blogshop url]
Haiz, keep having potential quarrels with daddy recently, for small small reasons also we quarrel. Cant understand why, now really hope to get out of the house as fast as possible so as to not to see him ar.. so bad hor ?? haiz, but really dont know how to face him la, hear his sound only i already feel as if we going to quarrel liao...
STMs are getting more serious day by day.. i think its due to the lack of sleep. So many posts le, still talking about the lack-of-sleep-syndrome happening on me. I wonder when can i ever talk about myself having a contenting sleep ??
corliiflowerr sign-ed off in depression today...
Labels: goodnite my dear ones, goodnite my sweet ones, goodnite my sweet ones to you goodnite...
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:27 PM