Saturday, October 25, 2008
Finally finished promoting in Jurong pri today.
First word that i shouted when i first entered their classroom was HORRENDOUS !!Their classroom was freaking dirty, filled with papers, pencil shavings and water bottles all over. They should have AT LEAST got someone to maintain the cleaness of the classroom, and not to let people visiting get such a shock in the morning -_-"
Early in the morning go there become cleaners instead of promoters >.<"
Now, let me show you how dirty it was:
First, this is an overview of the classroom...

Here shows valerie & nora sweeping away ^.^

Product of the trio's hardwork :)

Nora dumping all the trash out, finally

We had to re-arrange the tables and chairs ourselves, after that we place our standing board up..

A mistake in a hundred years.. "SUBSTAINED"

Clean floor !!

Yes, you are not seeing double.. its me singing in action !!
Ms teo's finger !! >.<"

Hillgrove open house !! Pls come and support !! haha

Thanks ms jamie toh and ms margret teo for accompanying us throughout and giving me such a meaningful & wonderful day !!
Going back to my own primary school to promote this wed.. Can take this chance to talk to my ex-teachers.. haha Its a pity that john cant go cause of his SPA exams... hahahahahahaha evil me :X
I think i shall camwhore when i am back to my primary school :) [dont scold me !!]
Now, the problem is, i have to get replacement for john.
Hmmm, anyone interested ??
Pls register with me by this tues alright ?? :D
*Condition is that you MUST be a exmember of PEPS*
I shall end everything here. GDNITE PEOPLE !!Labels: horrendous primary
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 10:55 PM
Friday, October 24, 2008
My body ached double the pain than yesterday..
I moved like a robot today, so stiff.. -.-" hated that feeling
Going to jurong primary school tml, to so call "sell" our school to them
Looking forward to it la.. can prove my ability to talk.. hahahaha
Going to "sell" my school to my primary school soon also, then my father told me this:" I thought that you say your school no quality ?? why you still go and promote your school to them ?? you want to ruin their future ar ??"
Then i thought, quite true. Telling them how good my school is, then attract them to come, then they will get influenced by the ah lians & ah bengs and become one of them themselves; eventually having no bright future...
But still i told my father this:"But, the academic results of the school is quite good la.."
Maybe i am trying to "poison" my sub conscience mind that this school is good. No doubt that this school gave me many happy memories, but theres still something lacking that made this school have the "reputation" it has now.
Truly speaking, theres still this tinge of fear lingering in my mind, making me hesitant. Maybe i am still afraid that they will end up like her ? i have no idea.
I dont want history to repeat itself....
There will always be this regret in my heart, that will never get away....
Labels: I miss him....
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:10 PM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Officially Declare That My Bones Are DismantledMy bones are all being dismantled today after the kickboxing session.
It was fun, the coach was good, but its very very tiring...
Revised some moves from the past, learnt new moves too
Laid half dead on the comfortable sofa the moment i reached home
Trying to get some quality sleep, but just cant seem to...
Someone almost stole singjie's hp today. i shall not elaborate on the details since its not an happy event. Thanks to zhixiong who scared them away just by showing them your looks... haha ^.^To the two girls: Pls think twice before committing this kind of acts again,or the one who will suffer is yourselfthough one of them still got conscience and hence told us that the other girl is attempting to commit crime, but i still feel disgusted by their acts. They are still secondary school students, yet doing this kind of things.
Ruining their own future >.<
enough of these talks....
School holiday tml, thank god !! [God i love you !!]
If not, i dont know how to go school with my dismantled bones >.-"
i need ointment!! seriously....
i need sleep x.@ [panda eye liao la]
ok... stop here for now... bye
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 8:52 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I GOT A NEW MP3 !! yay !! so excited.. haha
I think i will be in dead hot soup tml... :(
i actually FORGOT to check the schedule for NYAA,
and, there IS training TODAY !!
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:48 PM
Packed my closet, ironed my clothes for the whole day..
Happy dumping my old clothes out and welcoming new clothes. hahahaha :D
I know i sound wasteful, but "旧的不去,新的不来"
so its always good to do some regular spring cleaning :)
Shopped with zhiyi & yichin at bugis ytd
felt so excited as i haven been going to bugis for a long long long time !!
zhiyi saw a handsome guy on our way back on the mrt
and shes acting like a 100% hua chi... hahahaha
keep saying that guy very shuai..lols
but too bad ar that guy have gf le >.<
happened to see that guy acting cute, then he saw me looking at him, so he quite paiseh.. ^.^
met daddy & kor at WM then went home together :P
sastisfied day :)
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 12:22 AM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
ok.. today, short post. Anyway, nothing much to post also.. haha
Slept for 13 hours, till 12.30pm then wake up.. haha
Dont blame me people, cause too tired recently :C
Right eyelid twitched hard just now, no reason.
Everytime my right eyelid twitch, always got 1 good thing and 1 bad thing happen...
I wonder whats going to happen tml >.<"
Guitar lesson tml, looking forward. will prepare the packet of sweets anyway, can give out or not, no idea.
Sec 2 training camp coming soon. Have no confidence to train them. Felt that we ourselves are not even up to the standard yet, in what position are we going to train them ?
As leaders, we must be able to do certain tasks then we can ask others to do it. If we ourselves cant even do it properly, what position do we have to expect from them?
Lack of confidence... i am afraid that i cant perform the task of training them well...
corliiflowerr signed off in depression :(
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 12:23 AM