Saturday, March 14, 2009
Today is the first day of holiday !! CHEERS !!
I am back to school for C-H-O-I-R
Nevermind. At least I spent happy times with my friends. Dined in westmall with zyee,hana,val,chester,niq,hidaya.. *happy*
Photo-taking session on the way home requested by zyee gan,
and I turned out looking quite eye-less[because of the stupid strong sunlight la!!]

These are all my eyes-less photos.. :P
Was talking to huisian minute ago, told her to tag in my facebook note, and she tagged her wall thinking that it was my note !! HAHA !! 100% cuteness..
Then, she go and write on my wall thinking that it was a tag... OmG!
After that she finally went to my notes, commenting in the comment box thinking that it was to tag me...
I dont know whether to laugh or cry at her la... o.o
I just feel like strangling her. :P
Now, having sore throat.. keep coughing..
must be cs who passed the germs to me la !! [just joking]
arrgghh.. might not even be able to talk tml after all the singing today -.-
Its really late now, meeting peiling early tml.. GOODNITE !!
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:22 PM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Blogging in action again..
Currently stucked with all the chinese zuo ye-s.. so angry!!
arrggh.. have to complete 9 zuo ye-s by tml. Luckily i already did some!! :P
Got back english results, wasnt very satisfied la, but CONGRATS val for getting second !! hehe :D
Stayed back after school to clean the SL room. So pathetic. only 6 [to be exact is 5]
Why did i say so ? cause the 5 of us slog like hell, carry/throw/pack.. she only sat there drawing+cutting. If the drawings she did was very nice, then i would have just shut up. But, it wasnt so. And she still has the cheek to say:" wa, why your sweating ar?"
I was like -.-"
You sat there only drawing and cutting where the 5 of us had to carry this, move that, throw this, shift that, of course we sweating la !! And you just sat there staring.. wth..
arrgghh.. whatever lah.. my life has been filled with fustrations eversince this year started.
Parents meeting coming.. so worried. I wonder what would that stupid MM say.
I bet wont be something good. Confirm kana scolding after that.
Still stucked to doing chinese homework. Anyways, march holis reaching. Yet i have to go back everyday.
What is this ?! @!$#$!@%^$!@$...
No choice, school loves me too much to the extend that it cant leave me for a week so long.. :P
I shall now concentrate on my chineeesseee now... sai-yo-na-ra !!
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 10:12 PM
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Blogging. Once again.
Seems hooked up blogging two posts a day now...
Saw a SUPER RETRO car that day!!
Took a photo of it, it looks like this

Cool right ??
Today was a super slack day. Probably due to coming holidays and the subjects for today is slacking subjects.
Physics- scary as ever. went through everything for twb. managed to complete the previous undone works *sastisfied*
PE- Two free periods. One period no teacher, the other relieved by valerie loh.
[p.s: All the valeries I know in schools all had very long hair and two of them even had the same bangs!! *eerie*]
EL- Super funny !! Childish-y acts by class to prank marcus teo !! [First time class so united]
The class switched off the lights and fans, attempting to bluff mr teo that we are not in. Everyone was like ssshh-ing each other + giggling[including me] when mr teo walked outside the class. He tried to tiptoe to see if we were in class, but failed at the first attempt as he was too short o.o"
When he was about to walk away, the stupid MARCUS coughed so loud and he heard it. He then walked back and tip-toed again and this time he saw us !! x.x
But due to his way gentleman-ness and plus the fact that he couldnt return us our EL papers, he did not get angry at us and, in fact, joked at it !!
he said:"who asked me cant return your the common test papers ?? haiz.." hahaha
After his lesson, he told me and valerie a piece of SUPER BIG GOOD NEWS!!
I am going to keep it a secret yet. One clue, it makes me VERY EXCITED yeh ? lols
CME- slacked at the computer lab for one period, allowed by MM. Went to facebook instead. haha :P
To think that she recommended us to use twitter instead of blogger. But i still love blogger ! <33
MT- Got fed up at xie piao piao as usual. She kept accusing me of not passing up the zuo wen when I already did ! arrrggghh...
Help her to fill up the missing items in everyone's chinese file content page. Maybe I got possessed. I actually helped her did that. Heard from HLP that XPP is going teach until we graduate !! T_T HELP !!!!!!!!!!!
AS- Got the talk on HK trip. Only comment- need to brush up on their presentation skills :)
Followed by SPCA talk. Can only say, "people are getting inhumane"
Choir- Bad day. Wrong date. Stressed up.
Summary of a flower's day.
Lastly followed by the photo of her beloved :D

Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 8:58 PM
Hello !!
I am here blogging using the computer in my school's computer lab!!
Just a random post here la :P
Trying to spend the last few minutes enjoying aircon and blogging :)
ok. nothing to say anymore. bye :P
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:51 AM
Sunday, March 08, 2009
WOW !! second post of the day !! Its one of the rare days that I blog 2 post in a day!! Somehow, just got that feeling to.
A lot of things have happened in the month of march. Some people say, march is a month of curse where couples break...
I do believe so.
Because i have just seen 2 friends of mine breaking up with their special ones.
I just feel that, relationships are so fragile, just one touch, it breaks.
Sometimes, I wonder if i could find one that can last long, till the day I bid farewell to this world...
I hope so.
Still, humans must be back to this mortal world.
works are piling, yet I am still playing..
somehow, the words rhymed..
I need to go complete them !! bye!!
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 8:03 PM
Well.. I am back to blogging, once again after days of disappearance.
Many things happened during these few days, got back my CT results,val going through her great depression, i got my fringe cut.
Seriously speaking, I was quite disappointed with my results. I studied so hard everyday doing and reading notes, forcing my brain to remember everything, making it do the impossible and yet the results i got was.. a fail..
Although its not a very bad fail, everything was like 1-2 marks more before i could pass, but, it still affected me greatly. Especially when i got back my science results. Tears rolled down my eyes, no matter how hard i controlled it, it still rolled down. After that, I saw val depressing on her way home. No matter how i try, i still couldnt cheer her up. That was when i thought, "I couldnt even cheer myself up, how would i cheer her up?" So, i just walked, hoping that she would be better. Luckily, she managed to cheer up after the blackout at popular, and i got a retro popular reciept because of that.. haha :P
Ok, to my fringe thing. I got my fringe cut my ZYEE GAN during choir !!
How did it started ? heh, there was no intructor, teacher wasnt around, and everything else happened so naturally... :D
She cut and cut and cut.. I saw my hair failling in front of my eyes..
Actually, I didnt really see la, cause her scissors was poking my eyes and hence i decided to close my eyes.. I even had to dry my hair using the hand dryer cause my hair was wet by zyee gan... quite stupid to use a hand dryer to dry la, but at least it was fast.. haha =X
After a long and somehow torturous/funny time, my fringe was finally done!! hehe
And it appeared that everyone[including myself] was happy with the cut. :D
Everyone kept saying i looked like a korean after the hair cut.. LOLs
Is it because of my small eyes ?? I think so. Cause koreans mostly have small eyes.
Now, I have come to the stage where i started to appreciate my small little eyes although sometimes i still quite unhappy when it couldnt open on real bright sunny days. :P
But, small eyes are still cute !! LOLs
After the cut, ange was meddling with my hair and it turnout to be quite a nice style. At least i liked it :D
Thanks zyee gan & angelia & those who said I looked like a korean !! :D
Here are some photos I had after my cut + styling

Alright, this shall be the end of my long post.. bye !! :D
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 10:43 AM