Saturday, August 09, 2008
Jojo left me on thursday, 7 august 2008. I felt so sad returning jojo to her... Thinking of jojo everyday when i see jojo's photo. Thanks valerie & john for giving such "good" idea of keeping jojo >.<
Took photos with her before she left and she will always be remembered forever.

Worked as a student helper on friday night, i thought it would be very fun to loiter around in the school, but in real fact, i was confined to one small table !! >.<
Had nothing to do over there, so me and yong sheng keeping telling each other cold jokes which really shivered me ^.^
After that, Mr tan joined us in listening to each other's cooold jokes and he was laughing like mad, so funny !! Was fooling around with the teachers and they had to close the curtains to avoid seeing me when they eating as the place they are eating in is directly infront of my booth...=P
We had to stay there, at the small table, until 9pm.. really didnt know what to do, so started playing games with yongsheng displayed in our booth...
The lengendary poa millionaire that we played ^^ (until now still cant understand how to play la)

The view of our whole booth....

Notice boards....

Picture with ms valerie (i looked transparent ?)

My best friend alice, which accompanied me all the way fooling with teachers & friends

Started raining when we were preparing to go home at 9.30pm. Didnt know how to go home as i had no umbrella (lost it T_T) but luckily, mr tan offered to drive me and yong sheng home. i was the first to reach, thought that dont need to become luo tang ji, in the end still became one. Mr tan overdrove a little and alighted me at my block where there is no shelter, in the end still have to walk back alittle in the rain >.< Anyway, THANK YOU MR TAN!!!
reached home at 10pm sharp, bathed and prepared to slp. had to go school at 7am the next day for SINGAPORE'S BIRTHDAY !! The celebration was fun, went to aunt's hse after that. played guitar for her, stayed while and went home.
Met KAIZHI on the way back !! keeping forgetting his name (Sorry) then after that saw rong jun & gf . Then saw mediacorp filming at my house there!! haha...
why they nvr ask me go act also ar ?? just kidding...
have to go do maths le, if not no time for guitar >.<
ByebyeLabels: ByeBye jojo
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:35 AM
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Have been having hectic weeks ever since july started. Its also the start of my nightmare. My gastric acted up today, first time in my life. It was so painful!! Now i understand why people moan and groan when they have gastric pains. Want to really have a good rest, but my schedule tells me i have to work hard for at least a month more.
let me show my rough schedule:7/8-meeting, combination talk
19/8-full dress rehearsal,SAF
27/8-full dress rehearsal,choir
29/8-celebration for teachers day
i really wonder if i still have time for my studies after looking at my time schedule... hope it doesnt affect too much..>.< Labels: I want to rest too
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:31 PM
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Today my mood is so good because of my guitar teacher !!!
Hes simply so cool today !!
He sang "dui mian de nu hai".
Although abit off tune,
but hes very cute. Seriously, i have to apologise.
Hope you dont angry ar!! i really didnt mean to laugh so loud,
is really cannot control cause you sing too cute le...^.^
Your one is nicer than the original one, serious.
Didnt know hes still so young, i thought he 26&above le.. hehe
Had a chance finally to tune my own guitar, abit手忙脚乱-_-"
yichin didnt come today, but we had lots of fun...we had mini concerts after class,
forced teacher to play many many songs, so on..
even said that want to perform with him during teacher's day.
seriously, i want to la, but i guess he treat this as a joke. T_T
accompanied zy to cut hair today. Now her hair become like rainie yang
"shui mu tou" !!
Went for the mediation talk on last fri, there were 48 schools altogether.
all the schools were very high standard schools like RGS, ACSI, HUAYI so on..
made me feel abit ... >.<
the talk was fun and interactive, played games and watched skits.
every school had to receive a plug when the talk ends.
Something very very very unfortunate happened when john went up to receive it.
It made us quite embrassed.>.< But, john, its not your fault ok? dont blame yourself ^.^
Lastly, thanks zy for the ruler !!
BYEBYELabels: Mr Ho is the best teacher
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 4:40 PM