Monday, October 05, 2009
Hilton Hilton Hilton ! Sorry people, I know I am over enthusastic about my prom night but I just cant help it. It was originally decided at York hotel but just as surprisingly, it may be changed to The Hiltons !! Yeah, I heard that its the hotel opened by Paris Hilton. So, sorry York! :)
I think I have sort of caught a flu bug after the invasion of sore throat. Hopefully it isnt going to affect me much as I will still be continuing to study in a air-conditioned environment. And for the first time yesterday, we got scolded by the manager for occupying their seats without buying food [I know its kinda of we-deserve-it, haha] Hence, we bought something to "display" on our papers packed table :P
Today wasnt a good day to study history after school I guess, cause every question seemed alien to me and I had to keep messaging Mr.B [actually, its only 3messages..] Thanks Mr.B!!!
We went to the hotspot for teenagers to take photos, to which I still couldnt comprehend why, but we just went there anyways.

I suppose you all have already guessed this is the almighty shopping mall toilet! And guess what? Its bed-time now. So, goodnite people! "With enough sleep, comes a happy soul" - Corliiflower