Saturday, March 15, 2008
st john island
hi... finally came back from st john island !! just reached home then came blogging le haha (^_^) it was like hell for me the past 2+ days cause i have not gone through such a tough training before and so found it very tedious....
Now, currently having muscle ache everywhere & injured my leg this morning...=( but dont worry, its nothing serious *_*
very tired now so have to go ZZZzzz le... will update about more details of SJI camp!!!
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 5:02 AM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
DV video competition
went for the briefing of DV video compeition today... so so bored that i almost fell asleep ZZzzz... that idiot john toh kept pinching me so hard to keep me awake but in the end still cant =( cause the air-con too comfy le haha ^_^ had to do one DV video and one "hot topic" for that competition.. i am the reporter inside who is interviewing the people !! haha people in my school watch out !! i may look for you !! MUHAHAHAHAHA....
didnt managed to get the group photo cause it is too painful for them but here are the photos i took with each of my group members individually o.0
jiang shan & me !!!
me & peiling
Ta da....Jian ping didi !!!
hao zhe didi & me !! what is he doing ??
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 9:28 AM
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:15 AM
Sunday, March 09, 2008
bUsy dAy
t0day w0ke up aT 9am very unwillingly cause slept late the day before..ZZzz finally until 9.30am then i am fully awake =)
had intented to see doctor today for some reasons but change the date due to the fact that i am too busy =P我是大忙人!!decided on the rules for SAF club.. they will be dead soon hahaha.. nah.. just kidding X.x
seriously angry with my VC for doing that kind of thing.. how could she actually ignore me and let go of the person that i am going to punish ?! thats so idiot & stupid ok ?? and somemore i am her leader !! how could she not listen to my intructions and side with that guy who is in the wrong ?! @#$%$%....
hope she wont do that again or else nobody is going to listen to us anymore...went to my aunt house today for dinner and got scolded for nothing (x.-) being scolded to why i keeping buying new bags and for goodness sake, i have been using that 2 bags for like how many donkey years already, its just that i interchange them and use.. then get scolded.. IDIOT !!!
received a shocking news when preparing to go home.. which is my bro actually bought a thumbdrive for me when i didnt even say i want him to buy!! now suddenly owe him $$ liaoz.... sian o.0i think its because i kept saying to my father i want a thumbdrive and he mistook it as to i want him to buy thats why... partly my fault ??
forget it -.-
very excited for tml cause i am going to buy a guitar!! i am going to buy and learn it secretly without my parents knowing.... very stupid hor ?? haiz, anyway hope i can learn something and next time show them that i am not wrong in making this decision=) have a video making competition on mon and hopefully i am appearing on TV !! so excited !! hope so much that i can go out with friends during this holiday but this seemed very impossible caused teacher gave lots of homework and i dont think i can finish it ( yet i am spending time blogging =P )
haiz... dont blog le.. want to go and quickly finish my homework le..if not really cannot finish !!
byebye !!mAng0
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 3:11 PM