Friday, September 26, 2008
Went to APSN today, became volunteer ^.^
Went to do some gardening there, bringing some fun and entertainment to the beneficiaries. My partner and i was the more "lucky" one la, cause first time go there, already had to take care 1 to 1 when everyone else is 2 to 1.
At first, i was quite scared. Cause i didnt know what to expect from them, how to take care of them, chat with them and so on. Although i had a similar exprience with people of more serious ones, but it still makes me careful in handling them as trying not to hurt their feelings in one way or another.
After interacting with them, i found that they were very friendly, nice, warm, kind, and in fact cute, i would say. They are just like normal people, able to feel, able to think. Sometimes, i really feel that the society should give those people with special needs one chance to prove what they are capable of. They are actually capable of doing things that people thought that they cant, like maintaining garden, constructing pathway, making fences. Those things may seem unsignificant to us, they are actually a way to prove that they are just the same as us.
After visiting APSN, i felt that this society is just too cruel to people whom have special needs. They too need a chance to prove, to prove to people that they are worthy of doing something as well. Hope the society can be more accepting towards people like them and not to prototype them as one group...
Met volunteers there hoping to help the beneficiaries to get a new lease of life. Really really respect them for taking up this job, hope one day i can be like them
Credits to: Mr phlips, Mr chong & all the volunteers i met ^.^
Wondering why i am writing in detail for this event ? cause i am pen-ing my thoughts down now for the NYAA booklet in case i forget i can refer here ma:) [trying to be informal now]
when we were having debrief, the mr chong which was sitting in face with me, kept looking at me, as if my face got something like that. Look until i laugh when mr phlips was telling something funny also very paiseh >.<"
Anywayz, i got my SL photo and choir photo!! yay!! so happy :D
Oh ya, people, please wish me good luck for my EOY ok ? i am seriously in need of luck now hehe
Taken in the garden of APSN with my partner:)

Student leaders informal ^.^

Student leaders formal :P

Choir's formal !! *.*

Choir's informal @_@

Now, i shall stop for today. I have to go and attend my appointment with zhou gong le. Gdnite people and thanks for reading :)
Labels: Give them a chance to get a new lease of life....