Friday, October 02, 2009
I am feeling pretty excited about something recently. Definitely not because of Olevels but something else. Something Special. And guess what.
I am not sharing the secret with you.
Finally I did something today that satisfied my rebellious desire and I am feeling fascinated about it. Yes! I skipped school today. I know it sounded wrong enough for me to be sent for detention, but I seriously need a break. From the tedious days of studying in school, I am tired.
But I still went back to school anyways. Back to school for chemisty supplementary.
Study trip-ed with kweecheng again. Not trying to grouse about kweecheng, but trying to stress that we are out to study again. She told me she cant prounouce P-R-O-M well and it always ended up sounding like P-R-A-W-N. So I invented some tongue twisters for her to practise on. If you guys cant prounouce P-R-O-M well, you can try practising this too.
It goes: " A prawn in a pond going to a prom on the 24th of november "
I know its cool. Thanks for your compliments :)
The beauty of blog shopping lies in the comfort of not having to go out and tire our legs out by the hours and hours of walking. I have just come to realise that again recently. Therefore I have been blogshopping quite alot recently, other than the scary timetable for studies. And yes, I have been promoted to becoming a grandmother.

They are my grandchildren lying blissfully inside their cage. I find myself blissful looking at them too. Tution AGAIN tomorrow. I really hate to have it EARLY in the MORNING. But I just cant bring myself to tell my teacher the T.R.U.T.H
Maybe someday I should. Or maybe not.
But before that, sleep is needed. Goodnite.
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 10:34 PM