Friday, September 19, 2008
Emo-ed in school today. Cause my stomach was not cooperating, plus, today have maths. >.<
Chem supped all the way to 4+
went home and slept.
For dont know how long, i havent had such a peaceful sleep.
Until now, stomach still very pain, for no reason. haizz -_-"
took some "notes" during the chem supp today, shall post it up for the sake of convience revising ^o^

Wish all my friends who are having exams GOOD LUCK !! :)
Have to go rest my stomach le. byebye
corliiflowerr emo-ed
Labels: EOY coming...
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 8:42 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Finally got back to blogging, missing it for the past few days, but just lazy to open the blogger browser.. hehe ^.^
Experienced a choir exam and emaths class test which tortured me alot. >.<
Choir exam was good, though we didnt really do exceptionally well.
Studied for emaths test on sunday night, managed to clear a few doubts, thanks WH for accompanying me and made my studying alot more easier. =)
Had my test on mon, first page ok, second page onwards blur liao. Hope can pass...
told WH, he said expected. I think maybe is i too nervous ba, invisible stress ??
Have been chatting with WH for the past 2 days almost non-stop. Ohya,
He really freezed me to the north south pole today while chatting on phone with him..
no wonder all his ex did that. I guess to stop him from crapping further.. hehe
Realised that i got a ulcer on my tongue, causing so much pain, misery on my tongue and in my stomach. Because of the ulcer, cant eat properly, in the end so hungry but cant eat -_-"
Have to go do maths le, hope mdm teh tml dont come in class for lesson !! >.<
byebye Labels: WH is my new best friend haha
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 8:52 PM