Saturday, December 08, 2007
FirSt dAy aT w0rkk....
t0dAy sTarTeD w0rk aT 0uTrAm seC... geT tHeRe 0nlii neArly l0sT 0uR wAy dUe t0 tHaT stUpiD l0nEr.. =[ whY?? c0z hiS dIreCti0n & mY dIreCti0n diiffeRenT aNd therEf0re wE eNdeD uP iin diiFFerEnT siiDe bUs-sT0p.....
rEacH tHerE aBit laTe liia0z luCky laDy b0zz nVr sc0ld haha ^^
wh0Le dAy s0 sLacK l0r c0z baSiicAlly n0t muCh t0 d0 tHerE.. wE 0peNeD aT 8.30 aNd 1sT cUst0meR cAme 0nlii aT ar0unD 10.15 ii thiink ?? fIrsT tiimE d0 c0unTeR j0b, ii looK-eD vEry cluMsY c0z ii sCareD ii c0unT tHe t0TaL sUm wr0ng *_* sl0wly i mAnaGe t0 c0pe.. yUan dE 0s0 liikE vEry cLumSy aT firSt bUt sL0wly beGiin t0 aDapT...
eVeryb0dy c0me giiVe $50 n0tE n0w 0uR eYes aLL bEc0me liikE thAt --->($_$)
m0neY fAceD haha... reaCh h0me aT 5pm... tHen laZe-eD ar0unD aT h0mE uNtiL n0w 0.o
h0pe t0 g0 w0rk fasTeR bUt haVe t0 wAiit uNtiL nXt m0ndAy liia0x =[
ii niid t0 batHe liia0z (n0 0ffeNce c0z ii baThe veRy laTe)
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 1:40 PM
Friday, December 07, 2007
sL meEtiin
w0ke uP aT 7.30am t0dAy anD sTaRteD thE dAy bY heLpiin mUm swEep fl00r =] thEn wEnt t0 baThe h0piin muM w0uLd wAke uP weNt i fiNisH buT...sHe didNt...sHe wAs sTill sLeepiin s0unDly weNt ii fiNisH mY bAth =(
weNT t0 reTuRn XY heR cD anD aS whiLe gEt baCK mY cD & b0ugHt VeGGiieS f0r mUm al0ng tHe wAy(she t0ld mii t0)
wHile reTuRiin, sAw a riinG wHicH iish tHe saMe iiN wAnG zII biiAn qInG wA whIcH iish the mDm ruBy's ZheN aII !!! haha fiinding iT f0r a vErii l0ng tiimE liia0z.. fiinAlly f0unD iT anD ii b0ughT iT =)
wAnteD t0 p0sT a piic 0f iT buT thE bLuet00th tHiingy sp0ileD bUt pr0mIse uR i wiLL p0sT tHe piiCs uP s00n haha
wEnt baCk t0 scH f0r thE sL meEtiin.. t0t taT thEy teLLiin wh0 g0t iin buT tHEy juSt taLk abt the seC 1 orIen anD seC 1 rEgistRati0n.. hAizz aBit diisap0iiteD bUt aNywaY i g0t inv0lveD haha=] i aM resp0nsible f0r 1 0F thE couNteR aT seC 1 reGiisTraTi0n
s00 neRv0uS abT iit !! haD a rUn thr0ugh t0dAy ~~ aLm0sT sCreWeD tHiinGz uP
wHy ??
c0z.. wE weNt c0unTeR bY c0unTeR aNd tHe onE iin fr0nT 0f mii kAna seNi0r cHieF aS thE s0 caLL juDge la (qiiAn miiAn dE rEn dAii sWaY) aNd ii th0ught: diie liia0 sUrE kAna sEni0r cHieF !
aNd tRuE iiT wAs.... ii kAna-eD
ii wAs liike wh0le wAy tHr0ugH-->ii eRm-eD..aRR-eD..0rh-eD... tHeN hE sAy wHy ii taLk s0 liiTle 0nLii haha (0.o) aNd aFteR ii d0 suMthiin, hE will sAy : ii thiiNk y0u shlD sAy tHiis aNd tHat =] sCaRe mii uNtiiL ii na0 ch0nG xUe (X.x) heAd fr0 juZ n0w pAiiN unTiL n0w =[ tHen ii pReTeNd t0 wRitE d0wN nAme & aSkeD hiim iF iTs c0rreCt...hE l00k l00k lia0z aNd sAy: shLd bE.. aNd ii aNs-eD: ii asK uR s0n fiRsT~ hE laUgheD...duNn0 4 wAd.. hAiiz.. iizziT s0 fUnnY ???
ii f0rg0t wHethEr izziiT b4 0r aFteR thAt iin tHe cLasSr00m hE sUddeNly aSkeD f0r tHe peRs0n wh0 t0Ld hiim thE st0rY 0f 3 LittLe piigz & hE asKed f0r mY nAme(as ii wAs tHe 1 wh0 sAid tHe sT0rY).. feLt s0 paii sEh eVen t0 sAy iiT c0z aLL tHe giRlz wEre liiKe sTarriin aT mii 0r lAugHiin t0 tHemseLveS :[ aND hE aDDed sAyiin hE wAnt t0 liiStEn t0 tHe sT0rY 0f cIndErellA -_-'''
luCky hE nVr cAll mii 0uT...pheW
tHe dAy eNdeD.. wEnT h0me & bec0me lu0 tAnG jii aS iT waS rAiiNiin
hAiiz dUn wAn sAy liia0z hEaD t00 pAiin le.. nXt tImE tHen p0sT bA
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 1:10 AM
Thursday, December 06, 2007
diid s0me teSt liiNkiin fr0 jAs0n's bl0g
heRe aRe tHe reSulTz:
Your Personality Profile |
 You are dependable, popular, and observant. Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness. In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.
You are unique, creative, and expressive. You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while. And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming! |
28% ?! izzit al0t ??You Are 28% Emo |
 You're definitely not emo, but you do understand emo people a little. You are introspective, but not to the point of driving yourself crazy. |
haha ii aM a r0maNtiiC & reAliiStiic giirL =]
You are a Romantic Realist |
 Okay, so you fall in the middle. You know that love isn't like a greeting card... Yet you can always find a greeting card to describe your feelings.
You are the best of both worlds Girly yet independent, dreamy yet serious. Almost any guy can find balance with you. |
d0 ii ??
What Your Face Says |
 At first glance, people see you as warm and well-balanced.
Overall, your true self is moody and dynamic.
With friends, you seem dramatic, lively, and quick to react.
In love, you seem mysterious and interesting.
In stressful situation, you seem like you're oblivious to the stress. |
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 9:46 PM