Monday, September 14, 2009
My screwed internet has finally been sort of fixed up already. I paid a "heavy" price for it- Internet got chopped for 3hours plus. But I think thats something good to be happy about. All credits to my brother!! yay!! :)
School reopened today. Big surprise just on the first day on the school. A caucasian teacher joined our teaching staff! How cool is that? Omg. I think hes the first caucasian teacher that has ever joined our school. I am honoured. Proud to announce that hes from the WEST CANADA! I think he is going to create a big woo-ha in our school soon with his popularity chasing up to the most popular male teacher- Mr.B!
Embarked on another lame but fun study trip today with kweecheng again to the BK's again. We did some really lame things as usual like using the ear piece as a stethoscope. I guess thats just typical of us when we get together. But I really pitied the guy who sat beside us who had to endure all the nonsense that we were making while staying cool himself.
Went to shop and save[seemed to have become my second hotspot] again to walk around after studying "hard". Sent kweecheng home after that and walked home myself. I guess I really should thank the person who invented handphone as I think I would have died of boredom on my way home without it.
Photos of memory that me and kweecheng went haywired:
Ear piece as a stethoscope ?!
Save my liquid paper !!
kweecheng decided to save it by using the electrocuting thingy....
Greatest invention of the century- Lemon tea phone:)
And... I decided to act random...
But, I discovered, ear pieces actually knew how to....

Split legs!!
End of photo stupid story sharing session. Hope your had fun seeing the photos! :)