Saturday, January 24, 2009

Original CNY draft written by meToday was purely a photo posting session... but i decided to update abit about my recent life... ok, first... CNY...
Alot of happy and unhappy memories inside it, but it serves as a memory & experience for me. On the actual day, i made alot of mistakes that a emcee shouldnt have made. But i guess thats because of the lack of rehearsal + constant changing of scripts and schedule + stage shock [out of no reason]. Although everyone told me that i did a good job, but i still think that i have not done well enough. I shall continue to 检讨 myself & improve myself !! ^.^
Still thanks everyone whom have encouraged me :)
Immediately went out with shilin,shikai,huisian,zhiyi after CNY concert.. First went to outram, then proceeded to bugis. Bugis was super duper crowded.. we were like sardines squeezing in the streets. But, managed to get somemore new clothes for new year. We even forced shikai to buy a pink dress for her new year!! LOL
Bought a grand total of - three clothes, one earring, one shades :D
Went home with a super tired leg >.<

Typical day in hillgrove 4E4

Photo uploadings done !! gdnite !!
p.s The photos arent in any sort of order !!
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 9:58 PM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Thanks everyone !! I really appreciated all your wishes to me !! I cherish them forever !! :D
Wondered why i didnt blog ytd when it was my actual birthday ?? Cause i was still rushing out the CNY script...
I ended everything at 2+ am !! >.<
Was practically dozing off in every lesson except mdm teh's lesson. As your know, shes a "mm" so cant afford to doze off in her lessons ya?
For those who are not in our class or in our class and just happen to not know, "mm" stands for maths monster... -_-
Thinking that we are mean ?? Go attend her lessons and you will start calling her that too!!
Anyway, i wont be posting the photos today, [sorry] cause i am really really too busy to do it...
I promise i will do it once i am free alright ??
Ok, i got to go back to serious work now.. take care & bye everyone !!
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:39 PM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
hello!! [typical opening.. lols]
I am here again to update you guys on my typical life of yesterday and today... haha
I had an early meeting with valerie & syafiq in the morning on sat to discuss about the CNY script, then went to meet VP, talked to her, [shivered, jellied..] then went to find mr yang...
Val's friend came along, then we went to buy clothes at tampines..
Walked for a whole long day, didnt even get anything -_-
went home empty handed... >.<
Today, i went to QSN, and had fun!! And i caused peiling to fall down during one of the games... so paiseh and sorry !! >.<
Luckily peiling didnt suffer any injuries...
Went to the guitar class after that, had fun also !! LOLs ^.^
Singjie was very lame today during class.. hahaha
Thanks YICHIN for that very special birthday present!! hahaha
First birthday present received from yi chin !! lols
Seriously, very very very happy this year cause alot of my beloved friends wished me happy birthday !! haha
Ok, went to subway with dad & kor...
Then went to the arcade :)
Wont a grand total of 2 teddies & 1 hp !! LOLs
Went home after that *satisfied*
Photos time !!

ok.. finish uploading.. GDNITE !!Labels: corliiflowerr is happy
Dreams are meant to be made.
@ 11:05 PM